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Good Neighbours

About the Program

If you or someone you know is physically unable to visit the Library, the Good Neighbours program can help!

Staff select materials in accordance with a member’s personal reading preferences. Home delivery must be arranged by the member. Friends, neighbours and family members make excellent volunteer drivers!

The Library also conducts regular visits to long-term care and retirement residences and facilities throughout Clarington, connecting individual members at these facilities to Library services.

Getting Started

Anyone with a legitimate physical reason for not being able to come to the library is eligible to become a Good Neighbours member.

  1. Call Member Services at 905-623-7322 ext. 2712, and staff will collect your personal information; you can also fill out this registration form and bring it into any branch or email it to
  2. A staff member will contact you to conduct a brief interview about your reading preferences, favourite authors, and preferred genres. 
  3. Staff will select and check out materials for pickup by your volunteer; and you have officially started the program!

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently provide Good Neighbours visits to the following facilities:

  • White Cliffe Terraces
  • Seasons Retirement Community
  • Bowmanville Creek Retirement Residence
  • Fosterbrooke Long-Term Care Home
  • Vedanta Living Bowmanville
  • Community Care Durham, Bowmanville 

If you do not live in a facility, you will need a volunteer to pickup and return your books from one of our libraries; however we will still coordinate choosing items suited to your preferences, and have them ready for your volunteer to pickup at a designated time.

Let CLMA staff know when you would like to have a delivery. Please contact CLMA at least five (5) days before your preferred pick-up date to allow enough time to gather the materials and arrange delivery. You must have a volunteer (usually a friend or family member) who can pick up materials from one of our libraries and deliver them to you.

If you are participating in Good Neighbours as part of an organizational or facility visit, items will be brought to your facility at your organizations' next regular visit.

Staff will complete the sign-up process as part of your first call and register you with a card if you don't already have one.

This is one of the preferences CLMA staff will ask you about during your initial interview. Most members tend to choose around two to five (2-5) items at a time. This number can easily be changed depending on your current reading practices however, so just let staff know the next time you contact us for new materials.

Good Neighbours members can keep material for six (6) weeks. We ask for your consideration in returning your materials within a reasonable time period.

We visit facilities once per month and will pick up your completed materials when delivering you fresh items.

CLMA staff will keep track of the books sent to you. It is possible to run out of your preferred material, so if you don’t mind re-reading certain titles or authors, please let us know and this will be noted on your file.

When you first sign up you will be asked about the types of books you enjoy and in what format. Think of different authors you may have enjoyed in the past or the style of book that you like (e.g. thrillers, romance, westerns). It is also helpful to let us know what you don’t like to read! This information helps CLMA staff select books that you will hopefully enjoy. There are a number of different formats that are available, including:

  • Large Print
  • Hard Covers
  • Paperbacks
  • Books-on-CD
  • Magazines

CLMA will visit long-term care, retirement, or similar facilities whose members/clients may be eligible for the Good Neighbours program. Please contact Samantha Aitken, Manager, Marketing and Community Engagement, at 905-623-7322 ext. 2708 or to arrange for scheduled visits.

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