Freedom of Information
Clarington Library, Museums & Archives follows the Municipality of Clarington's Freedom of Information (FOI) procedure, which is available for review on their website.
The Act
Access to records under the custody and control of Clarington Library, Museums & Archives is governed by the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M. 56 (the "Act").
In addition to providing individuals with a right to access library records, the Act also provides for the protection of personal information collected, used and maintained by the Library, Museums & Archives.
Online Records
The following are a list of records for which free access is available online:
Submitting an FOI Request
- Make a request to access records or have information corrected by completing an Application for Access/Correction to Records form (PDF).
- Include the mandatory application fee of $5. Cheques can be made payable to "The Clarington Public Library Board".
- Submit the completed form and fee to:
Manager, Business Administration
Clarington Library, Museums & Archives
163 Church Street
Bowmanville, ON
L1C 1T7
Alternatively, submit requests in person at the front desk of the Clarington Library, Museums & Archives, Bowmanville Library.
After the Request is Submitted
Upon receipt of the completed application, we have 30 days to respond to your request. During this time, we will provide access to the requested records, or provide notice to the applicant indicating why the requested records cannot be provided, in accordance with the Act. If we cannot complete the request within the 30-day timeframe, as it may negatively affect the regular operations of the Library, Museums & Archives, or where other individuals or companies may be affected by the possible release of information, the applicant will be advised of the extension and the anticipated date that a decision will be made.
Protecting Your Personal Privacy
In addition to providing individuals with access to library records, the Act also requires Clarington Library, Museums & Archives to protect the personal privacy of individuals. Personal information is collected and used by the Library, Museums & Archives for very specific purposes, which are identified at the time of collection. Your personal information will not be used for any other purpose than identified at the time of collection, nor disclosed in any circumstance, except as permitted by the Act. If you feel your personal information has been misused or disclosed in a manner that is not consistent with the Act, please contact the Manager, Business Administration or the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.
Contact Us
Clarington Library,
Museums & Archives
163 Church Street
Bowmanville, ON,
L1C 1T7